Time Saving Stock Check


Author twproductions

Size 0.103MB

Data 25.12.2024

Uploaded by admin


Category Miscellaneous / Scripts

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This mod helps you track and manage your harvested wheat and other goods more effectively by providing detailed information directly from the main menu, just above the prices tab.


  • Displays all goods stored in Silos, Production, and Animal Husbandry outputs.
  • Shows the total volume of goods.
  • Displays the current price and total value of each item.
  • Indicates the best sell point for each product.
  • Provides the potential best price and value, along with the month when it could be achieved.

Value Color Indicators:

  • White: No significant change in value.
  • Yellow: Current value is over 90% of the best potential value.
  • Dark Green: Current value is over 95% of the best potential value.
  • Bright Green: Current value exceeds the best potential value.

Also the current month is highlighted in bright green to alert you which is the best potential month to sell.